Diabetes Topics

Here are some hot topics about Type 1 diabetes

Grieving diabetes Grieving usually is associated with the death of someone or something, a dream, a loved one, a precious item. There are five stages of grieving: denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance. Everyone handles it differently. Everyone goes through the phases in some form or another, but we have to go through it to fully move on. People with diabetes usually experience these phases when they are first diagnosed. We grieve for our life of normalcy, our life before insulin injections and carb counting. In order to accept our disease and new lifestyle we have to mourn the life we used to know...

Diabulemia Then the other day I was going through this amazing book about what women need to factor into their diabetes. And the issue of diabetics and eating disorders popped up. There is this trend in the world of diabetes called “diabulimia”. Diabulimia is when type 1 diabetics choose not to give themselves insulin because insulin promotes fat storage and without their daily insulin injections they can lose weight.  However, for a diabetic not giving yourself insulin has more damaging effects than good. 

Drinking with diabetes Now this may surprise some of you, but alcohol does not raise blood sugars. In fact, it does the exact opposite. Most alcohol begins as a carbohydrate, but during the fermentation process those carbohydrates are broken down leaving little to no sugar in the beverage. Now, don’t get me wrong this is pure alcohol we are talking about here, not mixers. The thing that raises a diabetic’s blood sugar while drinking is usually the things mixed into the drink. For example, I love to have a little Malibu with pineapple juice. The pineapple juice would make my blood sugars raise, not the rum....

Heat and diabetes It’s August, which when you live in Fresno means gross amounts of heat, humidity, and laziness. For the last few days it has been between 105-110 degrees and I am literally dying. In Fresno, for most people the month of August is about being the laziest. It’s just too hot to do anything. ...

Diabetic Mood Swings I have to admit, I have always been a moody person. There are some days when I am not sure what kind of mood I will wake up in. It’s something that has always annoyed me and made me feel a little bit insane. But it is also what makes me well me. I was extremely moody this last weekend, very antisocial, annoyed with anyone and anything around me, just plain moody. ...
Passing on your diabetes I struggle with the idea of having children and being diabetic. Don’t worry family; I am sure we will get to that point one day! But I honestly have a lot of fears about being pregnant and having diabetes, having an infant and having a bad blood sugar day, and passing on my diabetes gene.  

Holidays and diabetes: Holidays can be tough on a diabetic from time to time. Here are some of my thoughts about diabetes during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christimas

Traveling and diabetes: Taking a trip any time soon? Check out some tips and tricks to make sure diabetes doesn't get in the way of any of your travel plans.

Know the Symptoms : Do you and your family know the signs of diabetes? Know the signs of diabetes to prevent further complications.


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